Paul’s letter to the believers at Rome was written to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a logical and thorough manner, explaining why one needs salvation in Christ, how one can come to be seen as righteous in God’s sight, and how one should live the Christian life.

Romans 1:1-7

Introduction to the Letter

Romans 1:8-17

The Gospel of God's Grace

Romans 1:18-23

Revelation of God's Wrath

Romans 1:24-32

Consequences of Mankind's Rejection of God

Romans 2:1-5

Confronting the Moralist

Romans 2:6-11

God's Impartial Judgement

Romans 2:12-16

God’s Judgment is According to what One Knows

Romans 2:18-24

The Failure of the Jews to properly honor God

Romans 2:25-29

Misunderstanding Circumcision

Romans 3:1-8

Answering Objections raised by the Jews

Romans 3:9-18

All are Unrighteous before God

Romans 3:19-20

The Purpose of the Law

Romans 3:21-26

Justification by Grace through Faith

Romans 3:27-31

No one can Boast before God

Romans 4:1-5

Abraham, an Example of Justification by Faith

Romans 4:6-12

Righteousness by Faith under the Old Covenant - Part 1

Romans 4:13-17

Righteousness by Faith under the Old Covenant - Part 2

Romans 4:18-25

The Nature of Abraham's Faith

Romans 5:1-5

God's Righteousness Provides Hope & Reconcilation

Romans 5:6-11

God's Righteousness and Love Accomplishes Reconciliation

Romans 5:12-14

Sin and Death Came Through Adam

Romans 5:15-21

Contrasts of two Spiritual Legacies: Adam & Christ

Romans 6:1-10

Freedom from Sin through Union with Christ

Romans 6:11-14

Our Responsibility in LIght of our New Identity and Freedom

Romans 6:15-23

Freedom to Serve a New Master