The focus of the Book of Daniel is on the idea of Yahweh’s universal sovereignty over His creation, and over history.  This is revealed in two ways; first, through a series of narratives about the life of Daniel and his associates where God demonstrated His sovereignty even over powerful monarchs and emperors; and second, through prophetic revelations regarding how He would guide the unfolding history of the future.


Daniel 1:1-21

Becoming Babylonian

Daniel 2:1-49

History is in God's Hands

Daniel 3:1-30

Nebuchadnezzar's Image of Gold

Daniel 4:1-37

Nebuchadnezzar's Second Dream

Daniel 5:1-31

Belshazzar's Blasphemous Feast

Daniel 6:1-27

Daniel and the Powerless Monarch

Daniel 7:1-28

A Vision of Israel's Future

Daniel 8:1-27

Rams, Goats and Horns

Daniel 9:20-27

God's Answer to Daniel's Prayer

Daniel 9:1-19

Daniel's Prayer

Daniel 10 & 11

An Angelic Revelation of the Near Future

Daniel 12

Prophecy about the Climax of God's Redemptive Plan